1st March 2020 AGM
81 High Street, Dalbeattie, DG5 4BT 01556 611657
Charity Number SC003247
Donald welcomed the company. Announcing that the museum had now been open to the public for 27 Years!
30 People were in attendance.
Donald read out the 2019 AGM minutes.
Donald explained that a couple of items on the report still had not been done. Matters arising from the minutes-
1- Donald would continue to give personally the money towards the “History Prize” at the Dalbeattie Primary School. He would not take it out of museum funds.
2- The loft had not been emptied as access was difficult and unsafe for any of the volunteers to attempt. Scaffolding would be the best option. This was to be looked into for the future removal of items from the loft.
3- Becoming a SCIO has made the museum paperwork a lot easier.
4- Electrics had been done and compliant with the law.
The prepared accounts put before the trust members had been prepared in line with our governing document and statuary requirements as per our governing documents. The accounts had been independently examined by Mr R Murray, Johnston Drive, Dalbeattie, and full approve
of the accounts were given at the meeting held within the museum on the 19th February 2020. The trustees considered the accounts as an accurate reflection of the trusts financial position for the year 2018/19.
Erica Johnston said that the museum finances were in a reasonably good state, but this because of a legacy we had received from Mr Benson. Plus, a £500 gift from a visitor, who had sent a cheque from Australia.
It was felt that some fund raising may be needed if the donations continued to fall. The amount given in 2019 summer season worked out to be 50p approximately per head. This could not be sustained by the museum in the future.
Tommy read out his report for the year.
Tommy Thanked all the volunteers and Wednesday gang for their continuing support. He said they may have to look for a few more volunteers in the coming months, as there were a few gaps on the calendar. He also expressed that in the coming years possible the heating in the museum would need to be addressed, as the old storage heater was not efficient enough. He thought it would be about £500 for a new heater but he would continue to look for options.
Tommy told the sad news that Mr David Rudland had died a few months before and he thanked David and his wife Margaret for all the years of help in the museum. David and Margaret were with the museum right from the start. They would be sadly missed.
All Trustees were voted back on by block and they were happy to do this.
Donald agreed with Tommy that there was going to be a need for new volunteers shortly in the museum.
No other museum news.
There was no other business to discuss.
Donald welcomed Mr Keith Kirk.
Keith gave a wonderful illustrated talk on the Wildlife in Dumfries and Galloway. His colourful pictures of birds and animals from around the area was a real delight. Many of the pictures taking hours to capture, showing great patience in his craft. Keith explained he sometimes has to use a hide, as many of the birds and animals are shy of humans. Many of his pictures can be seen in the Dumfries and Galloway Life magazine.
No questions were asked form the floor.
Donald gave the vote of thanks to Mr Keith Kirk.
The meeting ended with refreshments.