Minute of the AGM of Dalbeattie Museum Trust held in Dalbeattie & Kirkgunzeon Parish Church on the 2nd March at 2pm

The Chairman welcomed all present to the AGM and asked for any apologies.

1. Present: Chairman – Ian Wilson, Secretary – Janet Carter, Treasurer – Bill Dryden, Margaret Niven, Ronnie Murray, Eric McCowan, Billy Glendinning, Mark White, Anna White, Callum Smith, John Kirk, Chris McIntyre, David Crosbie, Ruth Airley, Erica Johnson, Ian Strachan, Stuart McCulloch, Rosemary Mclauchlan, and Bob McLauchlan.

Apologies: Agnes Dow, Peter Hunt, and Shona Reid.

A quorum having been met the business of the meeting continued.


2. The Minutes of the last AGM had been circulated to all members by email. The Chairman asked for a member to propose this as a true minute – Proposed Eric McCowan, Seconded by Rosemary McLauchlan.


3. Matters Arising – None


4. Chairman’ s Report

The Chairman began by remembering our Museum’s Founder, Tommy Henderson, who sadly passed away in August. Shona Reid, Tommy’s daughter, had hoped to attend today, however due to her mother being in hospital this had not been possible. Tommy had been at the first meeting in the Burnside when the idea of opening a museum in the town had first been discussed, and he had been the force behind the eventual opening in 1993. The Henderson family had all played their part throughout the past 30 years and without Tommy there would be no Dalbeattie Museum. The Chairman remembered the last time he had seen Tommy, just a few weeks before his passing, sitting in his usual chair in the museum drinking tea, eating biscuits, and telling stories. We will all remember having had days like that with Tommy. The Chairman thanked the Henderson family for all they had done for the Museum.

In the past week we had also lost a long serving volunteer and trustee, Tommy Elsdon.

Another volunteer who left us, to enjoy a full retirement is Jack Wallace, who had also served as a Trustee for many years. The Chairman thanked Jack for all his work over the past 2 decades.

It has been a tough year for the Museum, with visitor numbers down although this seemed to be the same for many tourist attractions. Donations were down in line with the reduction in visitors.

Over the winter months the Wednesday group have met throughout the closed season, to carry out maintenance in preparation for the new Season. This year the library has been re-organised and re-shelved.

We had however welcomed several groups to the museum including visits from Colvend Primary, Dalbeattie High School and Palnackie Primary. We also hosted Brownies from Dalbeattie and Castle Doulgas. A special thanks was given to the Head Teacher from Palnackie Primary, Mrs Graham, who had sent several photographs to the Galloway News who had used these for a full-page article on their visit, giving us some excellent free publicity.

The Annual History Cup had again been presented at the Primary School.

In September, the Museum participated in Doors Open Day.

Throughout the year the Trustees have held regular meetings. This again has improved communications and kept the board abreast of the Finances.

In closing the Chairman thanked all the volunteers and Trustees for their hard work throughout the year. We look forward to another food year when we open on the 31st March.


5.Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer presented the Annual statement of accounts highlighting the main items which had affected the deficit of almost £6000 shown on the balance sheet. We had had several costly items this year including new heaters and a replacement stair lift.

As previously stated by the Chairman, donations were down on the previous year. We had also been unsuccessful in securing any grants, which meant that our income had come solely from visitor donations and the donation received from Tommy Henderson’s funeral.

The Treasurer had managed to reduce our insurance costs by changing our insurance provider and in the coming year we would also save on the cost of storage, since the Creamery would no longer be used. David Link has agreed to maintain our website, reducing this cost by almost £100.

The Treasurer pointed out that a sum of £25k has been invested in the Charity Bank and this should return interest of aroun£1200 in the coming months.

Although we cannot control visitor numbers and in turn visitor donations, we can try to cut costs wherever possible, and the Treasurer will continue to source more economic utility providers when contracts end. He will also continue to apply for grants to support future projects.

Accounts approved – proposer Erica Johnson, Seconded – John Kir


6.Election of Board Trustees

Current Trustees – Janet Carter, William Dryden, Erica Johnson, John Kirk, Eric McCowan, Chris McIntyres, Robert McLauchlan, Rosemary McLaughlan, Ronald Murray, Ian Strachan, and Ian Wilson. 

Chris McIntyre had intimated that he was standing down as a Trustee.

Proposal – To re-elect all remaining Trustees. Proposed David Crosbie, Seconded Stuart McCulloch.


7. There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 2.20pm


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