Dalbeattie Museums A.G.M was attended by 40 members and friends.
Donald Henderson after welcoming everyone, read out the minutes of last years A.G.M, he then went on to tell the company about what the museum had achieved in the last year. He said about how much the museum had improved and even though there were not so many visitors in 2013, the museum continues to grow.
Donald explained that a new camera system was now in place with the capacity to record if required. Also new walkie talkies have been purchased, so that the volunteers may talk to one another without having to climb the stairs.
Tommy Henderson was next to talk to the floor, he gave his presidents report, explaining what 2022 exciting items have been handed into the museum in the last year. He also said about how lovely it was to read the comments left by the visitors in the visitors book. One couple who had commented in the book were Meghan Newall and her husband, from Vancouver in Canada. Meghan had emailed Tommy to ask about her Newall family. Tommy explained about how he had met them at the museum and gave Meghan all the information she required and in return, she gave Tommy a lovely pair of gloves.Tommy gave "Thanks" to all his volunteers for their continuing support. He explained that the Wednesdays Boys Club in the museum was a highlight of the week.
Bill Borthwick then gave the treasurers report.
Donald took to the floor again and the museum commitee made some changes.
Tommy Henderson has become a "Life President", Donald Henderson became the "Chairman", Bill Borthwick continues to be the "treasurer".
After the museum business, a showing of a DVD, depicting the tribute Dalbeattie made to the "Titanic Commemorations" in April 2012, was shown. The DVD was produced by Sam Kelly. The film showed the Church Service, the parade to the memorial on the town hall, the wreath laying, ending with the boats being placed on the pond in the park.
After the DVD, the company had tea and biscuites