This was an Evening Meeting. Around 50 friends and members attended our A.G.M.
After the business, Donald Henderson gave a report on what had happened in the museum over the summer season. He also read out some of the excellent comments from our visitors book. Donald reported that the website was having around 2000 hits a month and that people from all over the world were looking at it.
Mr Bill Borthwick gave a report on the finances of the museum, indicating that monies were down this year and expenditure had been high. He hoped that this would balance out in the coming year, as we would not have the same expense. He reported that it takes about £4,000 a year to run the museum.
Since the money fell short this year, it was discussed that we should hold some fund raising events.
Donald then introduced Mrs Erica Johnson. Erica gave an excellent talk on "The Moyle and its place in history". Erica explained how the Moyle was an important site thousands of years ago. Why it would have been a great vantage point for the people who lived there. Erica explained what the fort might look like and the day to day activities of its inhabitants. Erica explained why it would have been connected with our places in the surrounding area. Everyone agreed that this had been a very interesting talk.
After the talk we had refreshments.
The Church Centre
Craignair Street Dalbeattie