Minutes of Dalbeattie Museum Trust AGM held on the 3rd March 2024 in Dalbeattie & Kirkgunzeon Parish Church Hall at 2pm.
Present: Ian Wilson, Ronnie Murray, Tommy Henderson, Chris McIntyre, Billy Glendinning, Agnes Dow, Ian Strachan, Eric McCowan, Bill Dryden, Joe Rintoul, David Poole, John Kirk, Robert McLauchlan, Margaret Niven, Nancy Gardiner, Alec Brown, Jack Wallace, Erica Johnson, David Johnson, Stewart Blackham, Janet Carter.
Apologies: Peter Hunt, Rosemary McLauchlan
The Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting and after asking for any apologies gave a brief resume of the year. Visitor numbers had seen a slight increase on the previous year and donations had been healthy, which was very encouraging.
Some refurbishments have taken place over the year, and we have recently invested in advertising vinyls for the windows which highlighted some of our popular exhibits. The “Wednesday Club” were thanked for their hard work carrying out the refurbishments.
Our volunteers would this year be provided with branded sweatshirts, giving us a more uniform look, and making it easier for our visitors to distinguish our team.
Leaflets had been printed advertising the Museum and these have been distributed to local caravan sights, hotels etc. Thanks was extended to Ian Wilson for designing the leaflets and the volunteers who delivered them
The Chairman thanked Ronnie Murray for assisting Caledonia TV with a feature they produced
on William McMaster Murdoch and Dalbeattie Quarrying. The programme was aired on BBC ALBA.
The Annual School History Cup was once again awarded at the High School, and he thanked Rosemary and Booby McLauchlan for undertaking this duty.
Throughout the year the Museum: welcomed a group from Townhead SWI; held a Q&A session with Dalbeattie High School pupils studying Travel & tourism; participated in Doors Open Day.
In May, Erica Johnson decided to resign as Treasurer and Bill Dryden was appointed to the post. The Chairman thanked Erica for all her hard work.
Monthly Trustees meetings have been arranged. This has significantly improved communication and kept the Trustees up to date with the Museum Finances which have been provided by the Treasurer.
In closing the Chairman thanked all the volunteers for their efforts throughout the year.
At this point, the Chairman referred to the minutes of the last AGM which had been sent out electronically to all members. He asked if the minutes could be approved. Proposer Jack Wallace, seconded John Kirk.
Matters Arising from the minutes.
The minutes state that we still have funds remaining from the Dunn trust Grant to install new
heating. The Secretary intimated that work on the new heating would begin on the 14th March and should be completed prior to opening on the 25th March.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer began by saying he wanted to thank several people who had helped him get to grips with his new role. Firstly, the outgoing Treasurer, Eria Johnson. He still referred to the notes she had given him, and this had been a great help.
Secondly to Rab Murray, our Independant Examiner. Since Mr. Murray would not accept payment, flowers had been sent to his wife.
Thirdly to all the volunteers who had helped with donation counting over the year. This made this task a lot easier.
Finaly to the Secretary for her assistance with preparing the year end accounts.
He then moved on to the year-end balance sheet. He explained the difference between restricted and unrestricted funds, talked through our costs and where he hoped to make saving in the future.
He highlighted the increase in donations, even though visitor numbers were pretty flat.
Our biggest expense was for Insurance and Electricity and the Treasurer would be looking at alternatives for both items. The installation of the new heaters should also help to reduce our
electricity costs.
He also advised that we would be looking to open an account with the Charity Bank which would give us more interest on our savings.
There being no questions about the balance sheet the accounts were approved. Proposed Janet Carter. Seconded Ian Wilson.
Election of TrusteesThe Chairman asked if those present would consider re-electing the current Trustees. David Crosbie proposed that all current Trustees be re-elected. Agnes Dow seconded this motion.
The secretary asked if there were any counter proposals. None being forthcoming the motion was carried.
There being no other competent business the meeting was closed.