Craignair Church Hall, Craignair Street, Dalbeattie
6th March 2022
23 Trustees/Friends/Members present – See attached sheet Apologies – Mrs M Niven, Alex Brown, Ian Wilbur, Alan Morgan
Approval of 2019-2020 AGM minutes
Donald Henderson read out the last AGM Meeting Minutes. Which were the 2019-2020 minutes as we did not have an AGM in 2021. Due to Covid restrictions.
No matters arose from these minutes.
1st Donald Henderson
2nd Tommy Henderson.
Donald told the company that a large Frame was on its way from America depicting all the workers names who contributed to Mr Newalls Silver Wedding gift. This frame would be a good asset for the museum.
Treasurers Report
Erica Johnston gave a detailed talk about the accounts. See Attached
The accounts were distributed among the guests.
Donald Henderson was a signatory for the cheque book, so this will have to be changed over to a new trustee. Erica was going to get this amended.
A new addition to the museum will be broadband being installed and a new phone system to keep up with technology. It was hoped that a new way of donations could be given over switch with a little white box.
As many people do not carry cash with them.
Scottish power had given a refund of £800.
Two donations had been given to the museum by a collection at Ada Johnston’s funeral and Ray Lightfoot. Both of these people had been with the museum from the start.
Ada volunteered with Billy Glendinning on a Tuesday and will be sadly missed by all.
Chairman’s Report.
Donald read the chairman’s report on behalf of Mr Tommy Henderson.
See attached.
Donald explained that two of the Trustees were stepping down after 30+ years of being involved with the museum. They were Donald Henderson and Shona Reid. Family and ill health was the reason that they had made this decision. This was to be with immediate effect.
At this point Donald introduced the new Chairman Mr Ian Strachan.
Erica Johnston was to remain as treasurer.
Tommy Henderson is still a life Chairman but has no responsibility.
Chairman Nominated- Ian Strachan
1st Donald Henderson
2nd- Shona Reid
Ian Strachan took to the floor and explained his thoughts on being the new Chairman and his background. Ian has been a Trustee of the museum for many years. He welcomed some new volunteers to the meeting.
Ian nominated Abigail Bagnall to be the new secretary.
1st Ian Strachan
2nd Rosemary Mclaughlan
1. The large attic has now been emptied.
2. The Alan Taylor Cabinet is to be the cabinet as you enter the museum on the left. The men’s shed are making the plaque that will go on to this cabinet. Alan Taylor had left a legacy to the museum, the Taylor family thought it might be nice to acknowledge this by naming a cabinet in the museum to Mr Taylor.
3. Bargain Hunt TV Programme. It was felt that helping Bargin Hunt was more hassle than it was worth.
4. Museum has now been painted.
5. The company looked forward to the museum finally opening in April 2022.
Tommy Henderson (founder of the museum) stood up and told the company that he could not be happier that the museum would be carrying on well into the future, as he was no longer fit to dedicate the time and energy it required. He thanked the company for their continued support over the years and wished Ian Strachan all the best.
There was no other business.
Donald gave a fascinating talk on the trainline between Dumfries and Stranrear, called the Port Road Line. His stories and pictures gave a great insight into how it used to run and look. With many of the building and Stations no longer standing.
Ian Strachan gave Donald the vote of thanks.
Tea & coffee was served.
Ian closed the meeting at 4pm. Thanking everyone for attending.